Install and upgrade PIE


PIE requires Python 3.6+; you will also need the following python packages, but they will be automatically installed by following the instructions below.

  • numpy ≥1.16.0

  • opencv-contrib-python >

  • pandas ≥1.1.0

  • Pillow ≥7.2.0

  • scipy ≥1.1.0

  • plotnine ≥ 0.7.1

  • pyarrow

  • Click ≥7.0

  • scikit-learn ≥0.23.0


PIE can be installed using pip, which should come with your python installation.

If you are using a Linux or MacOS operating system, python comes pre-installed on your computer. All you need to do to install the latest stable version of the PIE package is open the Terminal application, paste the following line, and press ‘enter’.

python -m pip install git+


OpenCV, one of the key packages required for PIE, cannot yet be automatically installed on computers with Apple M1 CPUs. If your computer has an Apple M1 CPU, you will need to first build OpenCV on your computer following these instructions, before installing PIE as described above. We expect this issue to be resolved in the near future.


For now, to upgrade PIE to the most current version, you will have to uninstall PIE first and reinstall. Directly reinstall PIE without uninstall may not include all the upgrades. Please refer to this section and the uninstall PIE section for install and uninstall guidelines.